Thursday, January 27, 2011


There are some stations that come to you so frequently for donations that it seems like it just one long commercial---these are, allegedly, non commercial stations.  WFDU does its necessary pleading just one time each year (in Feb.  ---for only 3 weeks) and makes do with the monies that our loyal listeners donate to keep the eclectic sound of the Right Place On The Left Side Of The Dial on the air.   Surely you have heard improvement in the sound quality with the new equipment purchased (including transmitter, mics, and a large megaphone) with your dollars.

Since I host one program and co-host another I would surely like a submission for a slogan for one of them since I already have one for SUNDAY SIMCHA--"KEEPING YIDDISHKEIT ON THE AIR---WFDU".   Perhaps we should get some bumper stickers to put on some of the old jalopies that still have bumpers and are owned by folks who still want to support a cause---you have seen them---they pride themselves on every place they ever visited and had an Honor Student and Our Lady of The Many Mitzvahs  Yeshiva.  Just being ecuminical here.

NOW---we need a slogan for TRADITIONS. Come up with one and if it is selected you will rcve. a CD---pledging is not necessary.  But, as that horrendous historical hellion once said---"Ve Take Names".

I could, of course, go on to espouse---you have to love the larger words here---the quality of both programs, the interesting guests, the meaningful moments, and mostly the comradeship they instill in all of us---both programs---and hope you feel that way and will support us come Feb.  After that you and I are on our own.

I guess since I have spoken for both programs then I suppose I should offer you a video sample of some of our guests from each one.

Metropolitan Klezmer from an appearance near Battery Park City in NYC

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